Our first shoot Just in time the launch the website
When you have support everything comes easier. Elon Blu’s first photo shoot was a complete success. We were fortunate enough to shoot some amazingly beautiful models (Keyanna Washington, Danielle Haugabrook, Jaz Chavae), with equally beautiful spirits. The studio (Gia Studios) we used is owned by a former employer Victor Jenkins, who I was lucky enough to work with again. He opened his studio for as long as we needed it and was so helpful with setting up the lighting and everything we requested to make the photos as brilliant and beautiful as they were.
My boyfriend Xavier was there to help which is always a treat. How amazing it is to have an extra hand especially when it’s someone who has faith you’ll do a phenomenal job. We all love having someone who really believes in what we’re doing. Plus the extra muscle to move some things around if I need it doesn’t hurt either. It was a lot of work but, what is accomplishment without a little hard work?
My brother Anthony Gourdine came with us on the second day, and I was pleasantly surprised at his growth in photography. He has really improved. He helped out with quite a few of the shooting as I prepped the girls with make up and hair. The photos above are by him. He’s always been quite good with the camera so I wasn’t too worried handing it over to him. He’s always been into shooting videos and capturing some pretty awesome footage in the past but I was still impressed by the photos he capture for me on this day. They were wonderful and I was proud.
Getting photos for the website was a major hurdle for me and with that accomplished and behind us, I truly do feel like we can do anything. With support from others (friends, family, sometimes even complete strangers), a little faith, and a lot of determination, anything is possible.
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